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SUMMER QUARTER 2024 (July 13 - September 17, 2024)

Note: All classes are online only. All times are Pacific Time.


    Arabic 1D Lab

    • This class is an accompaniment to Arabic 1D. In this class, only the homework or other assignments of Arabic 1D will be covered.
    • Prerequisite: Must be taken in conjunction with Arabic 1D
    • Text: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Volume I by Peter Aboud and others.
    • Time: Saturdays 7:30-7:55 AM
    • Fee: $80
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course

    Arabic 1D

    • This class is an introduction to Arabic grammar. It covers modern standard Arabic and classical Arabic but does not touch upon colloquial Arabic. The goal is mostly to eventually give the student the ability to read and understand directly the Quran, hadith and other important Islamic literature.
    • Prerequisite: Arabic 1A-1C or equivalent
    • Text: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Volume I by Peter Aboud and others.
    • Time: Saturdays 8:00-9:20 AM
    • Fee: $165
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course

    Forty Hadith of al-Nawawi (Short Course)

    • This quarter is a relatively quick coverage of a number of the hadith from the 40 Hadith of al-Nawawi, in-shaa-Allaah. This quarter will begin with a continued discussion of hadith #21, concerning istiqaamah.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Recommended Text: Commentary on the 40 Hadith of al-Nawawi by J. Zarabozo
    • Time: Saturdays 9:30-10:30 AM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    Explaining Classic Texts: Ibn Taimiyyah’s al-Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah

    • This is a class covering one of the basic texts of our history: ibn Taimiyyah’s al-Aqeedah al-Waasitiyyah, a primer on Islamic beliefs. The class will be continuing from virtually the beginning of the Aqeedah. This quarter will cover, in-shaa-Allaah, some of the most important principles related to the methodology of Aqeedah, as ibn Taimiyyah spelled them out in his introductory discourse.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Text: Texts to be provided by the Instructor, in-shaa-Allah
    • Time: Saturdays 10:40-11:40 AM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    AMJA Declarations: Presentation and Discussion

    • AMJA is a fiqh organization that deals in commentary fiqh issues. After each yearly conference, the AMJA fiqh committee develops declarations or recommendations on the chosen topic for that year. This class will be a presentation and discussion of various declarations. This quarter will continue with a discussion of contemporary technology and its impact on acts of worship.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Text: Texts will be provided by the Instructor, in-shaa-Allah.
    • Time: Saturdays 12:00-1:00 PM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    Hadith Database I

    • This is the first quarter in a class that is intended to provide a fundamental hadith database of authentic hadith (with occasional weak/rejected hadith alerted to). The course will present the hadith with only a brief commentary. The course shall begin with “Kitaab al-Imaan (the book of ‘faith’)” in-shaa-Allaah.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Text: Texts may be provided by the Instructor.
    • Time: Saturdays 1:10-2:10 PM
    • Note: This course will be lecture only without any class participation.
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $120


    Concerning Women: “Oft-Misunderstood/Difficult” Verses of the Quran: Soorah al-Nisaa Verse 34

    • In this class we shall attempt to discover, in-shaa-Allaah, the proper interpretations of verses that are seemingly often misquoted, misunderstood, or difficult to determine their exact meaning. In this quarter, in-shaa-Allaah, the focus will continue to be on the different portions of soorah al-Nisaa verse 34, emphasizing this quarter on the response to the case of al-nushooz.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Recommended Text: Texts may be provided by the Instructor, in-shaa-Allah
    • Time: Sundays 7:30-8:30 AM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    Parenting: Choice of Schools

    • In-shaa-Allaah, this quarter will continue our discussion of the choice between Islamic school, Muslim school, public school, home school, overseas school, or traditional madrassah. The main focus this quarter will be on public schools, in-shaa-Allaah, with a discussion of what Muslim children encounter in public schools, continuing this quarter with the question of sex education.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Required Text: Texts may be provided by the Instructor, in-shaa-Allah
    • Time: Sundays 8:40-9:50 AM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $150

    Arabic 5D

    • This class is an introduction to Arabic grammar. It covers modern standard Arabic and classical Arabic but does not touch upon colloquial Arabic. The goal is mostly to eventually give the student the ability to read and understand directly the Quran, hadith and other important Islamic literature.
    • Prerequisite: Arabic 1A-5C or equivalent
    • Text: Elementary Modern Standard Arabic Volume II by Peter Aboud and others.
    • Time: Sundays 10:00-11:20 AM
    • Fee: $160
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course

    Arabic Class: Grammatical Parsing of the 30th Juz of the Quran (Juz Amma)

    • This “Arabic Class” will simply concentrate on trying to understand the grammatical construct of Juz Amma.
    • Prerequisite: Fundamental Understanding of Arabic Grammatical Rules.
    • Time: Sundays 11:30 AM-12:30 PM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    Acts of Worship of the Heart

    • This class deals specifically with the acts of worship of the heart, focusing this quarter on love for the sake of Allah. In particular, this quarter will continue with the proper love for the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him).
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Time: Sundays 1:00-2:00 PM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    Modern Islamic Political Thought

    • After surveying the history of Islamic governments, this quarter continues the discussion of Modern Islamic Political Thought or the impact of the abolition of the caliphate. This quarter, in-shaa-Allaah, will wrap up the discussion of Wael Hallaq’s The Impossible State before moving on to the movements created after the fall of the caliphate.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Text: Texts may be provided by the instructor, in-shaa-Allah.
    • Time: Sundays 2:20-3:20 PM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    The Yaqeen Institute Papers

    • In this class we shall read, analyze, discuss, and critique various papers that are currently being published by Yaqeen Institute. This quarter, in-shaa-Allaah, will continue with a discussion of Yaqeen’s papers regarding the preservation of the Quran.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Recommended Text: Texts to be provided by the instructor, in-shaa-Allah.
    • Time: Sundays 3:30-4:30 PM
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140


    Fundamental Tafseer I

    • This is the first quarter of a class that intends to stop at every verse of the Quran and offer a brief explanation of the meaning and implication of each verse.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Text: None
    • Time: Mondays 6:00-7:00 PM (July 15-August 12; August 19-September 16, 2024 Changes to 6:30-7:30 PM)
    • Note: This course will be lecture only without any class participation.
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $120

    Topics in Islamic Legal Theory

    • This quarter shall continue our discussion of the concepts of “maslahah,” with an analysis of Imam Malik’s treatment of this concept in-shaa-Allaah.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Text: Principles of Islamic Jurisprudence by Mohammad Hashim Kamali
    • Time: Mondays 7:10-8:10 PM (July 15-August 12; August 19-September 16, 2024 changes to 8:05-9:05)
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140


    A Study of the Tafseer of Soorah al-Baqarah

    • This quarter will focus on the first set of verses of the soorah, in-shaa-Allaah, starting with, “and believe in what was revealed to you and revealed to those before you.” In-shaa-Allaah, the concept of the tahreef or possible distortion of earlier revelations will be dealt with.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Recommended Text: None
    • Time: Tuesdays 6:00-7:00 PM (July 16-August 13; August 20-September 17, 2024 Changes to 6:30-7:30 PM)
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140

    In-Depth Study of the 40 Hadith of al-Nawawi

    • An in-depth commentary on some of the most comprehensive statements of the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him). This quarter shall continue the discussion of Hadith#24, “Allah said, ‘O My servants, I have forbidden wrongdoing for Myself and I have made it forbidden for you…,’” with an emphasis on the concept of justice from an Islamic perspective. This quarter will be a continuation of case studies of dhulm, in particular the question of the Rohingya Muslims and the laws of refugees in Islam.
    • Prerequisite: None
    • Recommended Text: Commentary on the 40 Hadith of al-Nawawi by J. Zarabozo
    • Time: Tuesdays 7:10-8:10 PM (July 16-August 13; August 20-September 17, 2024 changes to 8:05-9:05)
    • Audio or Visual Recordings will be Provided for this Course
    • Fee: $140
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